How to Improve Your Drawing Skills

Searching for drawing tips. As a total beginner or even a relative novice, you will quickly want to improve and develop the quality and standard of your drawing.

In this post, I will outline and describe 10 simple ways that you can fast track your progress in drawing. Helping you produce a much better drawing.

As with most beginners who are looking for basic and easy to understand tips to help them make rapid progress. My first tip is a simple way to recognize and simplify the forms of the objects you are drawing.

Following this method will dramatically increase your ability to draw more complex shapes.

What is the First Thing to Learn About Drawing?

Learn How To Reduce and Draw Forms Not Shapes. For many people drawing is based around a process of looking and the act of observation.

So when you first attempt to draw a complex object, try to look at the form of the object. Rather than what is in front of you in terms of outline shapes.

For example, if we take a drawing from observation of a simple object such as a bottle. I would personally begin by drawing the form of the object.

Drawing and Representing the symmetry of the form of this object can quickly be achieved.

First of all, draw a long regular rectangular shape using I faint line. Draw a centerline down the middle of the object.

From the center line, you can begin to draw, measure, and compare the various parts of the object.

Next, draw an ellipse at the bottom and towards the top of the rectangular shape.

The curve of the elliptical shape will begin to suggest the three-dimensional form of the bottle.

You are free to apply shading and further detail to the bottle to enhance its appearance.

Complete a Critique of Your Best Work.

Listening to the opinions of other people is a great way to find out what people really think of your drawing. It is also an excellent way to get constructive criticism about ways to improve your pictures.

Things to may notice. One of the real benefits of asking for other people's opinions is that they can very often highlight aspects of drawing, which are slightly amiss.

This can take the way of asking people to make a comment on the subject matter of your drawings.

Take your best work. It is always best when undergoing any form of critique of your work that you take the best examples of drawing that you can achieve. Don't take a drawing from 10 years earlier or something you drew in college.

I suggest that you offer ten examples of the most recent drawing that you can produce and see what happens.

Focus on the different elements in your drawing. There may be a particular element or aspects of your work, where you honestly feel a weakness lies, say in shading, composition, or drawing portraits.

Ask people to be honest. The whole point of listening to and asking for people's opinions is that you can quickly find out what people think about your work.

Take it your leave it. As with all advice you don't need to take it on face value.

However, I would suggest that you listen to people's first impressions. You can then relate to your drawing, and if you can seek out the views of an expert do so.

Expert advice or the opinion of somebody who is a specialist in the subject will be able to give you sound advice.

RDrawing an Object 20 Times

Practice makes perfect. Whenever a subject you intend to confronts you as being very difficult when you consider drawing it multiple times.

Repetition is the key to success. Repetition and repeatedly drawing a subject multiple times can offer you several advantages.

It will force you to become intimately involved with the subject you have chosen to illustrate. Drawing in this way will allow you to focus on the aspect of the subject, which is creating difficulty.

For example, if you are drawing portraits and you find yourself feeling difficulty when drawing the nose.

Start with drawing simple forms. When you begin a drawing of the complex object, the trick to producing a final image is reducing the form of the object into its purest form.

This will allow you to quickly establish the underlying proportions of the object or feature you want to represent.

Prop Tip: Draw and sketch with faint lines. Try to draw relaxed from the shoulder or elbow. I will explain more about why this is important in the next part of this post.

Draw something you find challenging. If you want to achieve fast results and improve the quality of your drawing, it is essential to regularly test and stretch your drawing skills.

Continue to draw something which stretches your ability to draw. Drawing subjects which will let you develop new skills and try your hand at new themes is an excellent way to broaden your skills.

Learn to Sketch Loosley

Incorrect drawing techniques or a lack of them are one of the critical issues that many beginners make.

A common issue that many novices experience is the restriction of marks produced when you only draw from the wrist and the fingers.

One way you can resolve this issue is to relax your shoulders and employ the full movement of the shoulder to draw with.

Practice drawing from various points to engage with the full range of movement in your arm.

Try drawing from the fingers. If you restrict your first drawing to only including marks and lines drawn with the finger's,  you will see the marks created seem clumsy.

Next draw from the wrist and elbow. The wrist and elbow will act as a natural compass and will create a fluency of line and mark. This cannot be achieved by only using the fingers and pencil.

Look at the difference between the lines drawn from the wrist and compare them with lines drawn from the elbow.

Finally, draw from the shoulder. The shoulder will give you the most significant amount of fluency when working. It will enable you to produce a greater range of lines and marks in your drawings.

You can and should practice drawing both from a standing and a seated posture. This will allow you to draw from the shoulders with the arm stretched and enable you to move in different directions.

Watch YouTube

One of the real advantages of social media and youtube, in particular, is the availability and direct access to information online.

Why use youtube? Clips on now to draw can readily be obtained on youtube.

You can quickly type in a search query concerning a subject which you are looking to draw. You can then simply locate a clip which will convey the knowledge you are looking for.

Look for channels which offer helpful information.  There are many high-quality drawing channels which provide excellent advice and tips for drawing different subjects.

Try to access what is good quality information. When using youtube, there are specific statistics which will now show you if the information the clip offers is popular and relevant.

Content length will give you an indication as to the depth of information on offer. Anything over ten minutes is usually a good sign that the clip is offering detailed information.

How many views and the number of likes a clip receives will also demonstrate that the information is worth a look. As completion for views on youtube is fierce.

Youtube Channels to Lookout For

Bill Martins Guide. Bill Martins Guide to Drawing is the work of a true master of the subject of drawing and painting. Bill Martins tutorials and lessons are structured in an obvious and manageable way.

This allows the beginner, in particular, to develop their skills and make structured progress. Bill Martins Guide to Drawing covers many of the fundamental skills that a beginner will need to develop to make quick progress. I suggest you take a look.

Pencil Kings. This is a well established drawing channel which many beginners and more established artists seek advice from when drawing. Pencil Kings has an impressive range of videos on a wide variety of subjects which will be an artist occupied.

The Proko Youtube channel is an art resource by the artist Stan Prokopenko. Stan is a truly amazing artist who has a real talent for generating videos, which are both entertaining and instructive.

The Proko channel includes many instructive clips which can be extended by Proko's online drawing courses. These relate to Anatomy, Figure Drawing, Portraits, and Charactatures.

Circle Line Art School. This is another channel which provides clear easy to follow instructions on how to draw. The Circle Line Art School is excellent for fun easy to follow clips which deal with basic subjects everyone wants to draw.

Take an Online Drawing Course

Why take an online drawing course. An online drawing course provides a thorough and entire outline of varied types of subjects which you may wish to learn to draw.

It will also equip you with information far beyond what you would receive in a standard youtube video.

Specialists in art courses. The level of detail and difficulty which can be found when enrolled in drawing lessons is excellent.

This will provide the novice, beginner, or even a somebody with an average level of skill a platform from which to make step by step progress.

How to draw. Fundamental skills relating to how and what to draw can access when you enroll or take drawing lessons.

As a teacher with many years of experience, it is clear to me that a novice will often miss vital information. They also have a tendency to pigeonhole themselves into working in a particular style.

Or employ inapt or clumsy techniques when they first tackle a particular subject.

One way in which structured lessons and demonstrations will help you is through the introduction of the traditional mainstay of drawing.

​Figure drawing. For anybody looking to develop their drawing skills, learning to draw the human figure is essential.

The human form includes many different varieties of forms and shapes which can draw in various poses and positions.

Figure drawing can also be adapted to include a gestural drawing of moving figures. This is an excellent way to improve your sketching skills.

Anatomy. Drawing the human skeletal and muscular structures is an excellent way to apply and understand the importance of proportion and relative proportion.

If you manage to master how to draw the human form, you will be able to approach the drawing of other types with ease. Click here to view Human Anatomy Drawing courses designed for the beginner.

Portrait drawing. Unlike the rendering of natural forms such as flowers, rocks, and trees.

Portraiture is a subject which needs to be taught in a structured manner. This will enable you to master the particular issues of proportion, viewpoints, and drawing single features.

This is an excellent course designed to teach you how to draw portraits step by step.


Ian Walsh is the creator and author of and an Art teacher based in Merseyside in the United Kingdom. He holds a BA in Fine Art and a PGCE in teaching Art and Design. He has been teaching Art for over 24 Years in different parts of the UK. When not teaching Ian spending his time developing this website and creating content for the improvedrawing channel.

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